The Saturn Talisman Collection

The Saturn Talisman Collection

I am releasing these Saturn talismans to coincide with Saturn stepping out of his airy domicile of Aquarius and into the oceanic depths of Pisces. Now that Saturn has left Aquarius we won’t see another Saturn talismanic opportunity for another 16 years. This offering is intended to help steer and solidify your relationship with Saturn as he moves through the signs. It is no secret that many people feel trepidation when it comes to Saturn, which is understandable considering the hard lessons he brings. However this perception can be reframed when we experience Saturnian trials as initiations that lead us into maturity and wisdom. And while it is true that no-one escapes the steel gaze of father time, we CAN learn to integrate helpful Saturnian qualities so that we experience the transits with greater ease and humility. 

These talismans intend to bring you into relationship with Saturn. Saturn in his domicile (where he is in his strength) can teach us many valuable lessons, such as the importance of preparation; building strong foundations, of patience, discipline and determination and discernment as well as structures and boundaries. These are solemn qualities and a far cry from the heady excitement of talismans crafted for the benefics, yet these qualities are essential to anyone who seeks to realise their dreams, goals, and desires. For it is with Saturn that we step into our authority, and become the authors of our lives. 

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Venus in Pisces Talismans

Venus in Pisces Talismans

This election was primarily focused on Venus in Pisces but also involved embracing the Jupiterian energy that was present due to the conjunction of Venus and Jupiter in Pisces. The election took place on 27 April 2022 at 2:46am AEST, with the moon in Pisces applying to conjoin exalted Venus on the ascendant.

Venus in her exaltation of Pisces brings out the dreamy and watery side of our Venusian goddess. Here she is right at home in her triplicity of water where she consorts with Jupiter who is in his nocturnal domicile, and the spirits of the sea, namely Posiedon (Neptune), who before becoming god of the sea originated as a personification of the fertilising power of water. The watery influence on Venus here is amplified by Neptune  being in between Venus and Jupiter, closely conjoining them both. Neptune in Modern astrology is known as the higher octave of Venus, and the modern ruler of Pisces. This modern delineation does, however, have ancient roots. Before being elevated to a celestial sphere, Neptune as god of the sea was said to be at home in the constellation of Pisces, and according to Manilius, Neptune recognises his own in the aether of Pisces. 

 Jupiter in his nocturnal domicile of Pisces catalyses Venus, Valens says that these two planets together are in harmony and bring new acquisitions, gifts, adornments, as well as preeminense amongst the masses, honours and gold crowns. 

These planetary energies joining together in Pisces in this auspicious election bring to these talismans a feeling of otherworldly delight in calm and expansive oceanic dreams of potential and new dawns.

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Jovially Aureate ~ Jupiter Talismans

Jovially Aureate ~ Jupiter Talismans

Oh great benefic Jupiter, you who are most similar to the Sun in your gifts, but more tempered, for you never scorch your suppliants. You are jovial in nature, encouraging goodwill and generosity. You are known as the helping father who draws out maladies of body and spirit and brings joy, optimism and hope. As the great shapeshifter who takes the form of many beasts, you teach us that we too can shape shift and become our dream-selves. Ever expansive, you inspire us to philosophical thought and to find connection in ideas. For like Venus you are also connective, your thunderbolt is a conduit for the electricity that connects all things. 
Jovially Aureate: Jupiter Talisman Rings

I have two Jupiter offerings in this release. First up is the Jovially Aureate ~ Jupiter Talisman Rings. I have 4 available, these rings are hand carved from jewellers wax and cast in solid .925 sterling silver. Each ring is set with a large 6+ carat natural Citrine gemstone and on each side of the ring I have engraved the seal of Jupiter which can be found in Agrippa’s three books of Occult Philosophy. Due to the handmade nature of these rings each does vary slightly from the one in the image however all rings are lovingly finished to a high quality and polish. The rings come in a classic leatherette box. 

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Selene ~ Moon in Cancer Talisman Pendants

Selene ~ Moon in Cancer Talisman Pendants

Hail, white-armed goddess, bright Selene, mild, bright-tressed queen! 

-Homeric Hymn to Selene

While the Moon is a key consideration in most of my talismanic elections she is usually playing a supporting role as a translator of light. By way of the Chaldean Order she is the luminary that stands between us, the planets, and the stars. It is her we meet at the borders of the sublunary sphere as she reaches down to touch the realm of changing nature with her divinity. We feel the ebbs and flows of her cyclic nature most distinctly, and when she meets and illuminates the planets and stars upon her path their influence is heightened. Normally in talismanic elections I am looking to the Moon to act as intermediary, as according to the Picatrix, the Moon gathers and binds the planetary powers and the heavenly spirits to the lesser things of this world. However in this election I looked directly to her. 

The Selene ~ Moon in Cancer Talisman Pendants were crafted over a couple of months: the face of Selene placed in the center of the entwined serpents is the talismanic element of these pendants. I sculpted her face from modelling clay and at the elected time of 5:27pm on the 16 Jan, 2022, AEST in Brisbane, I sand cast the faces of Selene in solid Sterling Silver. This election took place during Moon hour. The Moon was waxing gibbous and fast approaching her fullness as well as dignified in her domicile of Cancer and applying to conjoin the ascendant. Enclosed by the benefics, the Moon was separating from dignified Jupiter and applying to Venus, with Venus in her heliacal rising phase.

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Jupiter & Neptune in Pisces Talisman Rings

Jupiter & Neptune in Pisces Talisman Rings

The conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces is a transit occurring only once in every two lifetimes, making it an extremely rare talismanic opportunity. I decided this would be the perfect election to invite astrologer, writer, and Jupiter in Pisces native Gray Crawford to collaborate, having admired his astrological writing in which he weaves together traditional and modern astrology, mythology, and depth psychology. An election I selected was sent to Gray with the proposition of a collaboration. The talismans and writing are the result of our collective research and discussions on Jupiter and Neptune in which we thoroughly explored the full potential of this conjunction in magical application. I hand-crafted the talismans and Gray contributed the following accompanying text.

The Jupiter Neptune talismans were completed at the elected time of 10:11 am on 9 April 2022, Brisbane Aust AEST. Jupiter was applying within one degree of a conjunction with Neptune, and was also ruling the midheaven in Pisces while applying toward a close conjunction with the midheaven. The Moon was in her own domicile of Cancer, applying toward a trine aspect with Jupiter and Neptune while also being in the exaltation of Jupiter. 

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Deneb Adige: The Swan Queen

Deneb Adige: The Swan Queen

Deneb Adige is the alpha star of Cygnus and can be found in the tail of the great Swan who glides across the watery section of the heavens known to the ancients as the Sea. Mostly associated with spirituality, creativity and learning, Deneb Adige is said to be of the nature of Venus and Mercury and “gives ingenious nature and a clever intellect that is quick at learning” according to Vivian Robeson in The Fixed Stars and their Constellations in Astrology. Robeson goes on to describe the Cygnus constellation as giving a “contemplative, dreamy, cultured and adaptable nature”. (1)  Ebertin in Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation said that Deneb Adige is “favorable for artistic and scientific pursuits which are carried out with the aim of gain,” noting that Deneb Adige fosters the potential to become successful within the creative fields. (2)

We can look to the Lunar Mansion Al Sa’d Al Ahibiya for other attributes given to Deneb Adige as she is found within this mansion and according to Robeson, was known to the ancient Arabic astrologers as “The lucky star of hidden things or hiding places”. Robeson described the Moon in this Mansion as giving “marital happiness, and victory to soldiers” as well as being beneficial for travel, building, and making friends. (3)

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Antares: The Heart of the Scorpion

Antares: The Heart of the Scorpion

The fixed star Antares is the brightest star in the constellation of Scorpius, it is located in the centre of the body and is therefore known as the Heart of the Scorpion. As one of the Royal Stars of Persia that preside over the four cardinal points, Antares is the watcher of the West. Antares has a long history of magical and mundane astrological significance within the mythologies of ancient cultures the world over. 

In the creation of these Antares Talismans, I looked specifically to Babylonia, as that is where we can find accounts of some of the earliest practises of astrological magic, as well as the Medieval magical tradition in which Antares is recognised as one of the 15 Behenian stars. The astrological election I chose originates from the astro-magical practices of Babylonia, and the talismans I designed in accordance with instruction found in Agrippa’s 3 Books of Occult Philosophy:

Under the Heart of Scorpio they made the Figure of a Scorpion; it giveth understanding and memory, it maketh a good colour, and aideth against evil spirits, and driveth them away, and bindeth them. [1]

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Dignified Venus Talismans

Dignified Venus Talismans

This is the second offering of Venus' transit through Libra in September 2021. The first offering was the Venus conjoined Spica talisman, which culminated over two elections; the second being the morning of the 10th September with Venus on the ascendant. The election for the Dignified Venus Talismans took place later that same day when Venus reached the midheaven. At this time she was out of orb of the Behenian fixed star Spica which makes these talismans purely Venusian. 

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Dignified Venus ~ Spica Talismans

Dignified Venus ~ Spica Talismans

I began designing these Venus ~ Spica talismans when Venus first ingressed into Libra. Wanting to create a medallion talisman that contained both the image of Venus and of the Behenian fixed star, Spica, I decided on the image of a dove to represent both. In Agrippa’s Three Books of Occult Philosophy one of the figures for Spica is described to be a bird. The dove is the bird of Venus, as one of her motifs it was considered a Venusian symbol of love and peace long before it was adopted by the Christians. This choice felt the most fitting with Venus being in the triplicity of Air, in her domicile of Libra. To further symbolise Spica, I turned the tail of the dove into a blade of wheat, as the fixed star Spica is located in the spike of wheat held in the hand of the Virgin in the constellation of Virgo.

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Mercury in Gemini Talisman Rings

Mercury in Gemini Talisman Rings

I came across a Mercury in Gemini election early in 2021. As it was the only suitable Mercury election in my part of the world this year I wanted to take the opportunity to make a talismanic piece that really pushed me as an artist. I spent an evening reading through the many figures of Mercury in the Picatrix and Agrippa, and it was the figure of the Lion that formed a complete image in my mind. I awoke the next morning with the vision for these rings. The qualities of this talisman being braveness and protection from illness, felt particularly relevant for our current times.
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The Gift of Saturn

The Gift of Saturn

With the creation of these talisman rings it was of utmost importance that I give Saturn their due. This meant that while the rings were made strictly to astrological timing, this project would only be finished in Saturn’s time. I began this project thinking Saturn’s gifts could be cultivated primarily through hard work and discipline. As an artist I know that the most beautiful works of art are often born out of suffering and struggle. And while it is true that Saturn rewards those who are prepared to work hard, it was through this endeavor I realized there is so much more to this planet. A deep dive into mythology and archetypal literature followed, along with much time spent in writing and contemplation. I was compelled to deconstruct Saturnian qualities on a fundamental and psychological level. Ultimately discovering how Saturn can act as a catalyst for psychic transformation, leading to greater consciousness and fulfillment. 
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Vega Talisman

Vega Talisman

Vega is the brightest star in the constellation known in the west as Lyra. As the 14th of the 15 fixed Behenian Stars Vega has long been invoked in talismanic magic. In the Three Books of Occult Philosophy, Agrippa details the making and qualities of a Vega talisman “according to Hermes opinion… Under the Vulture, they made the image of a Vulture or Hen, or of a traveller  it maketh a man magnanimous and proud, it giveth power over devils and beasts." [2] The BM Bodleian expresses a similar sentiment but adds “[is strong against] demons, nightmares and fears to it’s protective qualities.”[3]
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