Jupiter & Neptune in Pisces Talisman Rings

My river runs to thee:
Blue sea, wilt welcome me?
My river waits reply.
Oh sea, look graciously!
I’ll fetch thee brooks
From spotted nooks,—
Say, sea,
Take me!
The Outlet by Emily Dickinson (born with Jupiter conj Neptune)
The conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces is a transit occurring only once in every two lifetimes, making it an extremely rare talismanic opportunity. I decided this would be the perfect election to invite astrologer, writer, and Jupiter in Pisces native Gray Crawford to collaborate, having admired his astrological writing in which he weaves together traditional and modern astrology, mythology, and depth psychology. An election I selected was sent to Gray with the proposition of a collaboration. The talismans and writing are the result of our collective research and discussions on Jupiter and Neptune in which we thoroughly explored the full potential of this conjunction in magical application. I hand-crafted the talismans and Gray contributed the following accompanying text.

The union of Jupiter and Neptune in a sign ruled by Jupiter is a rare occurrence worth distilling through talismanic magic. The last time it occurred was in 1971 when they united in Jupiter’s fiery home of Sagittarius. However, it has been 166 years since they last conjoined in Pisces in 1856. Pisces has been known as the watery, nocturnal home of Jupiter since the Hellenistic era of astrology. Following the discovery of Neptune in 1846, Neptune also slowly gained favour during the twentieth century as an additional ruler of Pisces.
Jupiter and Neptune directly express their full natures within the water of Pisces, making their conjunction ripe with boundless potential for imaginative vision. Their union involves planets named for deities associated with sea and sky, and a zodiacal sign linked with the expansive depth of the ocean. Sea and sky encircle and nourish life on earth. Similarly, the living symbolism of Jupiter and Neptune nurtures creative engagement with the imaginal otherworld that gives life to inspired ideas.
Many creation stories from around the world begin with the chaotic intermingling between sea and sky. Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love, beauty, and procreation, is born from sea foam following the insemination of the ocean by the sky god Ouranos. Like Aphrodite emerging from the union of sea and sky to step onto the dry land of earth, so may resplendent works of creation emerge from the realm of Jupiter and Neptune to become manifest in the world of material form.

The fact that our human forms are primarily made of water and that it is intrinsic to our survival is reflected through the symbolic significance given to water within occult literature. Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa in Three Books of Occult Philosophy wrote that water is the “seminal virtue of things” and that “all things stand from its power, as well as generate, feed, and increase in strength.” Agrippa further quoted an ancient text attributed to Moses that living souls are brought forth through the elements of water and earth.
Agrippa described the element of water emerging from the dissolution of earth and then evaporating through heat into the element of air which goes on to become kindled into fire. Yet Agrippa also wrote that water becomes earth again through the coagulation of becoming thick and hard. Similarly the union of Jupiter and Neptune within Pisces can bring about a dissolution of previous conditioning, beliefs, and crystallised structures of thought that can unleash a flooding of new vision and creative potential that eventually solidify into new forms of expression. However navigating the floodwaters of the Jupiter Neptune realm can be tricky, requiring a combination of grounded discernment that remains open to new sources of inspiration and creative direction.
The Jupiter Neptune talisman facilitates creative communion within a sanctuary away from the strictures of the conventional social order, supporting intentions for being creatively fertile and generative, as well as effectively navigating a journey to the otherworld of imaginal creation and back again. Like the self-navigating boat belonging to the Irish sea god Manannán mac Lir, the Jupiter Neptune talisman can help guide engagement with creative processes so that one may not only be receptive to an influx of inspiration, but also find creative forms through which to give voice and expression to the received revelation.

As a sea god resonant with the meaning of Jupiter united with Neptune in Pisces, Manannán mac Lir is a protector and guardian of the otherworld concealed by mist amongst the waves of the sea and its islands. A member of the Tuatha Dé Danann, Manannán dwells in the otherworld outside human society while still being able to interact with the world of humanity. Similar to the mists of Manannán enveloping a watery otherworld of fairies and mystery, the impact of Neptune upon Jupiter can bring about a dissolution of the familiar. However, while Neptune can generate a disorienting shift into the strange and unfamiliar, the Jupiter Neptune talisman can help guide journeys through liminal landscapes in order to retrieve creative treasures that can be found nowhere else.
Jupiter has a rich history in the astrological tradition for nourishing creativity, philosophy, spirituality, and material abundance. Second century astrologer Vettius Valens associated Jupiter with engendering, desire, prosperity, justice, fellowship, release from bonds, and freedom. Ninth century astrologer Abu Ma’shar connected Jupiter with the soul which nourishes life, embryos, understanding, sages, the interpretation of dreams, reverence, worship, leadership, authority, fidelity in commitments, beauty, and generosity. The eleventh century magical text the Picatrix advised to “assist your work with Jupiter when you wish to ascend to good things,” and to “ask from Jupiter increase of riches, beautifying of dreams, fleeing from sloth, forsaking sorrows, labours, and strife, and making journeys safely either by sea or land.”
Jupiter is the star of Zeus, a sky god known as a life-giver. Zeus is a creator deity who is all-seeing, purifying, a protector and guardian of the household who offers nourishment and insists on hospitality to the wayfarer or stranger. Similarly, the planet Jupiter is classified as a benefic within astrology due to signifying the nourishment of life, growth, coherence, affirmation, generosity, truth, and charity. The moist mutability of Pisces enhances Jupiter’s strengths for gathering sources of inspiration, synthesising meaning, distilling wisdom, and generating new mixtures of ideas. With Jupiter sovereign in its aquatic home of Pisces, it can express its full nature directly while inviting inward exploration that coalesces knowledge and insight from one’s experiences. Jupiter in its nocturnal home of Pisces can help seekers gather meaning and inspiration from whatever strange, dreamy realms Neptune opens the door to.

Since Jupiter is uniting with Neptune, the traditional meanings of Jupiter will become transfigured within the otherworldly, oceanic realm of Neptune that can open perception to dimensions normally veiled from awareness. Richard Tarnas in Cosmos and Psyche connected Neptune with “with the unitive, timeless, immaterial, and infinite; with all that which transcends the limited literal temporal and material world of concretely empirical reality; myth and religion, art and inspiration, ideals and aspirations, . . . dreams and visions.” Tarnas went as far as to describe Neptune as “a sense of the archetype of the archetypal dimension itself; the anima mundi, the Gnostic pleroma, the Platonic realm of transcendent Ideas, the domain of the gods . . . the Muses; the cosmic Sophia whose spiritual beauty and wisdom pervade all.”
Combining keywords for Jupiter and Neptune listed in Cosmos and Psyche by Richard Tarnas, the conjunction between Jupiter and Neptune will elevate and expand the transcendent, the ideal, and the “oceanic realms of the imagination.” We may find ways to give order to the intangible, the infinite, and the timeless while receiving new visions of work to create from “the archetypal wellspring of life.” Jupiter combined with Neptune gives life to dreams, inspiration, art, and mysticism. Just like Tarnas noted that the time period of Neptune’s discovery in the late 1840s involved “an upsurge of utopian social ideologies” and “the full ascendancy of Idealist and Romantic philosophies of spirit and the imagination,” we can envision a new renaissance of creative, artistic, and spiritual movements emerging following the alignment of Jupiter and Neptune in 2022 we may be co-creators within.

Like being chosen by the Muses to give voice to their timeless knowledge and divine truth, the Jupiter Neptune talismans will facilitate receptivity to creative revelations sourced from otherworldly dimensions. The Muses are the daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, the goddess of shared memory who holds the true, deep knowledge of how things are. The collective nature of Mnemosyne’s realm of memory has some resonance with the way in which the archetype of Neptune is often linked to the idea of the collective unconscious developed in the work of Carl Jung.
Tim Addey in Seven Myths of Soul connected Mnemosyne with engagement in the arts and sciences, as they require both creative thought and “the memory of our pre-terrestrial vision of the celestial realm.” Addey further connected Mnemosyne with Plato’s theory of reminiscence:
The theory of reminiscence is Plato’s explanation of why we as human beings are able to recognise abstract, universal and spiritual truths, such as justice, beauty, and goodness: it is because the soul once possessed this knowledge..but forgotten when she descended into the world of matter; the soul’s activities in arts and sciences helps her remember it.
The Jupiter Neptune talismans invite engagement and creative communion with the shared memory of Mnemosyne and her daughters the Muses who give voice to her divine, timeless knowledge.
While the Jupiter Neptune ring can open doors to creative revelations, there is also a potentiality for it to activate a dissolution of elements or structures of life that are no longer aligned with your authentic self. A liminal process of creative communion may emerge in which there is release of formerly familiar aspects of life at the same time new sources of inspiration become known and a more fulfilling path opens to follow.
Genie Desert designed and hand-crafted the Jupiter Neptune rings from jewellers wax and cast them in sterling silver with a wavy, spiralling aesthetic resonant with the archetypal meaning of Jupiter and Neptune united together in Pisces. The rings are host to 3 carat hydrothermal emeralds. Hydrothermal emeralds are grown rather than mined and share the same chemical composition as their mined counterparts. Emeralds have a long tradition of association with Jupiter: for example, the Picatrix, Henrich Cornelius Agrippa, and William Lilly all listed emeralds as being one of the stones of Jupiter. The band of the ring features the trident glyph of Neptune on one side and the seal of Jupiter on the other side.
You can view to Jupiter & Neptune in Pisces Talisman offering here
WIP Wax carving of the Jupiter & Neptune Talisman ring
Addey, Tim. (2000). The Seven Myths of the Soul. The Prometheus Trust.
Agrippa, Heinrich Cornelius. (2021). Three Occult Books of Philosophy. Translated by Eric Purdue. Inner Traditions.
Bateman, Meg. (2009). The Landscape of the Gaelic Imagination. International Journal of Heritage Studies, Vo. 15, Nos. 2-3, March-May 2009, pp. 142-152.
Chaitow, Sasha. (2021). Birth of the Greek Gods Course. Treadwell’s Books. London.
Lilly, William. (2004 edition). Christian Astrology. Astrology Classics.
Obert, Charles. (2020). The Classical Seven Planets: Source Texts and Meaning. Almuten Press.
Tarnas, Richard. (2007). Cosmos and Psyche. Plume.
Banner artwork: Walter Crane, A Study for Neptune's Horses, oil on canvas, 1892