The Alcyone and Pleiades talismans were hand-carved in hard jeweler's wax and cast in tarnish-resistant sterling silver. These talismans were designed in the image of a lamp, in accordance with Agrippa and the MS Bodleian:
"Under the constellation of Pleiades, they made the image of a little Virgin, or the Figure of a Lamp; it’s reported to increase the light of the eyes, to assemble Spirits, to raise Winds, to reveal secret and hidden things."
These talismans were created and inspirited in ritual during the Heliacal Rise of Alcyone on June 19th, 2024, at 3:05 am in Olympia, Washington.
This hammering and heating, if it happens under a harmony similar to that celestial harmony which had once infused power into the material, activates this power and strengthens it as blowing strengthens a flame and makes manifest what was latent before, as the heat of a fire brings to visibility letters previously hidden which were written with the juice of an onion; and as letters written with the fat of a goat on a stone, absolutely unseen, if the stone is submerged in vinegar, emerge and stick out as if they were sculptured. Yes, and just as the touch of the broom or the wild strawberry excites a dormant madness, then perhaps hammering and heating alone brings out the power latent in the material, if it is done at the right time.
- Marsilio Ficino
Alphard, The Heart of the Water Serpent Talisman
The creation of these talismans was an intense and immersive experience that unfolded over three months during Venus’ transit through Leo in 2023, including her stationing at the projected degree of Alphard as well as her retrograde period. It began with two taxidermy snakes, which I cast and molded. From these molds, I injected wax, then cut and reassembled the pieces into new serpentine shapes. I was directed to craft each talisman individually in wax. This process was slow and methodical, involving daily hands-on work of long hours spent in co-creation, which included much devotion, reflection, and writing...
Venus in Libra Talisman Collection
The Venus in Libra talismans celebrate the star of Aphrodite in her airy temple. The sanguine nature of Libra accentuates the social blessings of Venus, including her cheerful wit and charisma. Delighting in her natural abode, Venus in Libra fashions relational bonds, initiates dialogue, and facilitates pleasurable interactions with ease. Her keen eye for beauty and aesthetic harmony fosters the appreciation and creation of artful work. The Venus in Libra talismans embody the refined taste, enchanting style, and spirited cleverness of Aphrodite directly expressing herself.
Stellar Talismans
In Nature and all things; which these soft fires
Not only enlighten, but with kindly heat
Of various influence foment and warm,
Temper or nourish, or in part shed down
Their stellar virtue on all kinds that grow
- John Milton, Paradise Lost