Apollo Karneios / Exalted Sun Talismans / Sol Invictus!
Each talisman in the Apollo Karneios collection is a unique creation. Every ring was meticulously hand-carved from jeweler's wax over countless hours, as a devotion to Apollo and cast in 925 solid sterling silver. Each ring contains dirt collected from the Apollo temple of Bassae, Saffron and Rosemary that I personally grew and harvested.
Astrological Election
“For operations of the Sun they made images in the hour of the Sun rising in the first face of Leo. [These images were of] the Sun (whose form is of a crowned king) sitting in a chair, holding a raven to his bosom, and under his feet a globe.They carried this image to make a man invincible and honorable, to bring to an end to what has begun, and to drive away empty dreams. It is also strong against fevers and plagues. They made the same [image] in a balas or ruby, in the hour of the Sun, when he is happily rising in his exaltation”
-Excerpt From Three Books of Occult Philosophy
Wednesday 17 April 2024 around 12:55 pm - Hour of the Sun
The stones were engraved during the hour of the Sun on 17 April with the Sun in its exaltation and triplicity of Aries conjoining the midheaven and ruling the Leo ascendant. The combination of the exalted Sun conjoining the midheaven while also being the domicile and triplicity lord of the ascendant enhances the potency of the talisman to bring its bearer increased visibility, vitality, confidence, honors, elevation and favors from those in solar positions of authority.
The fixed and fiery nature of the Leo ascendant and the Moon also occupying the solar sign of the Lion further augments long-term success and achievement. The exalted Sun is receiving the Moon through a waxing trine aspect, with the first quarter phase of the Moon additionally boosting the Apollo Karenios talisman’s ability to generate growth, advancement, and honors. The Moon is moving in between aspects with Venus and Jupiter: moving away from a trine with Venus and applying to Jupiter with her next aspect. The applying aspect between the Moon and Jupiter has reception due to Jupiter occupying the exaltation of the Moon, and Jupiter is bonifying the condition of the Moon through a superior square aspect.
Moreover, not only does the superior square aspect from Jupiter to the Moon improve the Moon’s condition, but the co-presence of Jupiter in the tenth house with the exalted Sun also fortifies the confidence and willpower of the talisman’s bearer in following the purpose and passion of their heart and creating the inspiring life they envision for themselves.
Mars in Pisces is the lord of the exalted Sun and is separating from Saturn. Mars possesses the essential dignity of being in his own bounds and face as well as triplicity. Mars is also applying toward an uplifting sextile aspect with Jupiter, while being received by Jupiter into his watery home of Pisces. The harmonious reception between Mars and Jupiter signifies uplifting support, success, and being able to rise above whatever challenges have been brought by Saturn in the past.