Fixed Star Alphecca Medallion Talisman

Fixed Star Alphecca Medallion Talisman

Alphecca is found in the constellation of Corona Borealis. The Greeks knew Corona as Στέφανος (Stephanos), meaning ‘crown’ or ‘wreath’. According to Greek mythology it is the golden crown worn by Princess Ariadne of Crete when she married the God Dionysus. The crown is said to have been made by Hephaestus, the god of fire, and was studded with jewels. When Ariadne died (for she was a mortal woman) Dionysus tossed her crown into the sky where its jewels transformed into stars.

Ptolemy listed eight stars in the arc of the crown, its brightest being Alphecca, once also known as Gemma; Latin for ‘jewel’. Alphecca is one of the 15 Behenian Fixed Stars and according to Ptolemy, is of the nature of Venus and Mercury.

Agrippa says that a talisman made in the image of Alphecca “bestoweth the good will and love of men and giveth chastity”. If we look to Agrippa’s source, the Bodleian MS, it says [it] makes men chaste and grants friendship and honor with God and man”. It is important to note that this was written prior to the 15th century when the meaning of the word ‘chaste’ was ‘virtuous and morally pure’; having nothing to do with sexual relations. The Bodleian says that Alphecca’s stone is topaz and its plant is rosemary.

In finding inspiration for the physical form of the Alphecca talismans I meditated on mythology and poured over medieval sky map illustrations. An image of a medallion, on its face a crown with Alphecca represented as the jewel in the center of the crown came into mind, and I made the carving in jewellers wax which I cast in sterling silver. On the back of the medallion talisman is the Alphecca sigil made according to Agrippa. 
The talismans were completed in the early hours of the morning on the 12th December 2020 at 3:46am with Alphecca at 12 degrees 32 Scorpio on the ascendant. This election was chosen in consultation with Ryhan Butler of Medieval Astrology Guide. The moon was applying a conjunction to Alphecca and Venus. Mars, the ruler of the first house, was unaffiliated. White topaz was set into each of these talismans in ritual during the election with a suffumigation of rosemary and finished with Warnock’s Invocation to Alphecca.

According to Ptolemy, Alphecca is of the nature of Venus and Mercury, and I do concur that the ritual had a gentle, dreamlike quality. It was quite unlike the election for Aldebaran earlier in the year during which I could feel the crackle of Martian-like energy in the air. On completion of the ritual, I mediated on the talismans until the last of the rosemary incense had extinguished and, leaving them on the altar, I went to bed for a few hours of sleep. 

Whilst asleep I had a visitation from whom I experienced to be the spirit of Alphecca delivering an omen: that above all things I should have faith in my art and my workings, for they are true. 

Alphecca is said to bring good will and love to those who work with her, but firstly Alphecca asks that we show up for ourselves. 

During the time I have been working with Alphecca and wearing her talisman I have experienced both a reconciliation of some previously strained relationships and a softening in how I interact with people who hold differing perspectives to me. My focus has been to create coherence rather than respond in fear or conflict which has resulted in greater harmony in relations with all people, from social media exchanges to family members. I have been required to stand firm in my boundaries and maintain my conviction in the integrity of my abilities, accomplishments, and the validity of my experiences. Being faced with situations that test us provides a good opportunity to deeply examine our goals and motivations which in turn allow us to develop a better understanding of ourselves and the direction we are moving in. There have also been a couple of examples of support and assistance offered by people in authoritative positions which has come as a surprise and been greatly appreciated.

There is a theme of empowerment that underlies all of this. I feel Alphecca tests us, for in order to obtain the good will and love of others we must be prepared to express ourselves in the world with confidence. She requires us to step into our power and also examine if our pursuits are virtuous. And we may just find our goals shift as we shed aspects of ourselves that no longer serve us. 

Perhaps this could be seen as the ‘disillusionment’ that Ptolemy is referring to when he said [Alphecca] gives artistic ability, love of flowers, and disillusionment, but to bring its natives to a position of command. I’ve come to believe the dismantling of illusion is a requirement for one to step into a position of command and to receive her gifts.

[SOLD OUT] The Alphecca Medallion is 2.8cm in diameter; it is solid sterling silver and comes with a 20”, 22” or  24” (please indicate your preference) sterling silver belcher chain. The necklace is ready to post

Agrippa, H. C., Freake, J., & Tyson, D. (1992). Three Books of Occult Philosophy (Llewellyn’s Sourcebook) (1st ed). Llewellyn Publications.
Allen, R. H. (1963). Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning (Revised ed.). Dover Publications.
Online Entomology Dictionary. (n.d.). Online Entomology Dictionary.
Owlet, L. (n.d.). Table of 15 Behenian Fixed Stars - Cornelius Agrippa & Hermes Trismegistus.doc. Academia.Eu.
Robson, V. E. (2005). The Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology. Astrology Classics.
Spenser, E., Roche, T. P., & O’Donnell, P. C. (1979). The Faerie Queene (Reissue ed.). Penguin Classics.
Warnock, C. (2019). Fixed Star, Sign and Constellation Magic.



Eugenia Raftopoulos

what a fine piece of craftsmanship. I would love to own this talisman; moon&asc conj Alphecca. Would you consider making more of these in the future?

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