Mercury in Gemini Talisman Rings
Under the influence of Mercury, you make the image of a lion in emerald or another image is the image of head of a lion, in the hour of Mercury, Mercury rising in Gemini, and above the head write a "A" and below the head a "D," whoever has this image will evade infirmities and fear, and good things will be said of them. (1)
I came across a Mercury in Gemini election early in 2021. As it was the only suitable Mercury election in my part of the world this year I wanted to take the opportunity to make a talismanic piece that really pushed me as an artist. I spent an evening reading through the many figures of Mercury in the Picatrix and Agrippa, and it was the figure of the Lion that formed a complete image in my mind. I awoke the next morning with the vision for these rings. The qualities of this talisman being braveness and protection from illness, felt particularly relevant for our current times.

I began crafting these talismanic rings at 8:20am on the 7th May 2021 AEST, during Mercury hour with Mercury in Gemini conjoining the Ascendant. I carved from jewellers wax the image of the Lion in the form of a ring, above the head an “A” and below a “D” and created a setting in the mouth for an Emerald, the gemstone of Mercury. These rings were worked on over a series of Wednesdays and Mercury hours, then completed in ceremony during the elected time of 5:50 am on the 8th July 2021 AEST during Mercury day with Moon in Gemini applying to conjoin Mercury on the Ascendant, and Mercury and the Moon free from hard aspects to the malefics.
As it happened, the election for these rings occurred during our big move across Australia. As my partner and my ability to work was severely impacted by each lockdown in Melbourne, we made the difficult decision to leave, realising that at this stage heading into the unknown was a better option than staying put and hoping for the best. We had only decided to make this move a few weeks earlier during our State’s 4th lockdown, and I wasn’t going to let it deter me in completing this ritual I had started months earlier.
Our move required us to travel through 2 states which normally isn't an issue but since March 2020 the State borders have been shut most of the time. They were even shut when we gave notice on our townhouse and started packing. We put our faith in the greater-than-human world and focused our prayers and devotions to Hermes, petitioning for open roads and freedom of movement. Miraculously the lockdown lifted briefly, borders opened a week before we left and closed again a week after we arrived. We had found the perfect window.
While regretful to leave our lives and home in Melbourne we decided in true-mercurial spirit to view our move as a great adventure. To complete the Mercury talismans halfway through our road trip to our new life was exactly as it should be. I found a beautiful Airbnb house in the middle of rural New South Wales for the election and as it turns out it was the perfect space for the ritual. During the election I prayed over the Emeralds and set them into each ring, thus completing them. The Picatrix invocation to Mercury was used and the suffumigation, ink and consecration herbs used were gifted to me from a friend and are materia from the S+S Mercury Cazimi election.
While setting gemstones can be challenging at the best of times, this election was a breeze, setting the tone for what was to come on our adventure. I was able to set each Emerald into each ring with ease and completed the closing prayers just as the election window came to an end.

Over the course of our travels we could feel the wind of Hermes at our backs, guiding us and preventing both minor and major mishaps along the way. We arrived at our new home city of Brisbane, tired but filled with excitement. We were able to find a new home that ticked all the boxes within a week, even though everyone we spoke to told us it would take much longer as Brisbane has a highly competitive market due to the mass exodus of people leaving the southern states. My partner also received multiple job offers within the first week. We had stepped into the unknown with very little pre-planning and everything had come together fluidly, praises be to Hermes.
While these talisman rings are specifically for health, braveness and good will, I am inclined to also include other attributes of Mercury: swift travel and open roads, adaptability, and an ease in contractual dealings.

The Mercury in Gemini Talisman rings are hand crafted from jewellers wax, cast in Sterling silver and set with hydrothermal Emeralds. View the offering here

1. Warnock, Christopher. Picatrix Liber Atratus Books 1 and 2 (Complete Picatrix Liber Atratus Edition) . Renaissance Astrology. Kindle Edition.