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This hammering and heating, if it happens under a harmony similar to that celestial harmony which had once infused power into the material, activates this power and strengthens it as blowing strengthens a flame and makes manifest what was latent before, as the heat of a fire brings to visibility letters previously hidden which were written with the juice of an onion; and as letters written with the fat of a goat on a stone, absolutely unseen, if the stone is submerged in vinegar, emerge and stick out as if they were sculptured. Yes, and just as the touch of the broom or the wild strawberry excites a dormant madness, then perhaps hammering and heating alone brings out the power latent in the material, if it is done at the right time.
- Marsilio Ficino 
Lovely Taygete - Star of the Pleiades Talismans

Lovely Taygete - Star of the Pleiades Talismans

Taygete is one of the Pleiades, seven star-nymph sisters. This write-up begins with the story of the Pleiades and their transformation into stars before focusing on Taygete and the Talismans. 

The Pleiades

The Pleiades are the seven daughters of the Oceanid nymph Pleione and the Titan Atlas. Born on Mt. Cyllene in Arcadia, Pindar refers to them as mountain maids—a nod to their origins as mountain nymphs or Oreads. The sisters were said to be companions of Artemis, the huntress goddess.

One myth tells how Pleione and her daughters were out hunting when the giant Orion saw them and pursued them in lust. They prayed to Zeus for rescue, and he transformed them into doves before placing them among the stars. The name "Pleiades" means "doves."

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Apollo Karneios / Exalted Sun Talismans / Sol Invictus!

Apollo Karneios / Exalted Sun Talismans / Sol Invictus!

I am excited to announce the release of the Apollo Karneios / Exalted Sun Talismans following the Winter Solstice—a sacred moment marking the Sun’s rebirth. The Sun reached its southernmost declination during the solstice, marking the longest night in the northern hemisphere. Now, the turning point has passed, and with each day, solar light grows stronger. In celebration of this renewal, we honor Sol Invictus—Invincible Sun! Inventori lucis soli invicto augusto (Invincible Sun! I glorify the unconquerable Sun, the creator of light).
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Regulus: The Heart of the Lion Talismans

Regulus: The Heart of the Lion Talismans

Introducing Regulus: The Heart of the Lion Talismans. Regulus, the alpha star at the heart of the Leo constellation, is also known as Cor Leonis, Latin for "Heart of the Lion." This regal star grants the qualities of a true leader, blending the might of Zeus with the courage of Ares. As one of the four Royal Stars, Regulus bestows courage, resilience, and a natural authority capable of overcoming adversity with a noble, independent spirit. As Hermes describes in Liber Hermetis Quadripartitis, a lion carved on garnet brings abundance, honor, joy to the heart, and triumph over sadness. According to the Bodleian Manuscript, Regulus talismans dispel anger, relieve melancholy, temper the spirit, and attract favor. Crafted for those who seek to embody the heart of the Lion, these talismans guide the wearer to walk with purpose, courage, and strength, fortified by the fearless spirit of Regulus.
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Stellar Talismans

In Nature and all things; which these soft fires
Not only enlighten, but with kindly heat
Of various influence foment and warm,
Temper or nourish, or in part shed down⁠
Their stellar virtue on all kinds that grow

- John Milton, Paradise Lost

Genie’s work is timeless and time-bending, and her talismans are ecstatically alive and profoundly vocal. The majority of these talismans are ones I work with nearly every day of my life in my vocation as a professional diviner and spirit-worker; they wake up each morning and go to work with me, and we end the day together in my office. These talismans have been spirits, and sometimes tools, which have allowed me to navigate daily life and, more importantly, daily work in a niche and inspirited career and lifestyle. - SASHA RAVICH
I am a huge fan of Genie's talismans and am fortunate to be in relation with several. Each pieces is ascetically beautiful and profundly alive - with it's own unique personality, insights and gifts. The Spica- Venus Talisman is my favourite talisman ever. This beautiful pendant has become an ally who brings ease and protection to me- especially during Mars transits. The talisman softens strong emotions, anxiety, and brings calm to situations of Marsian urgency. -DR ANALOUISE KEATING
I received the Mars Talisman yesterday evening, just in time to work with him today. I woke very tired and lethargic. I have a libra sun so this eclipse cycle is hitting me hard. The Mars magic I did this morning certainly revived me, got me dancing and has made me really start thinking about the vision I have for my life. Today, my vision was just to get through the day with my clients. I felt Mars say, no problem- BUT you really need a bigger vision. The talisman is beautiful. I love your craftsmanship. And I am very thankful that I found you. - LISA SOLARI
Genie's skill is evident to anyone who has seen her pieces but having come into relationship with one of her talismans it's clear that her skill in magic and talismanic ensoulment is equally expert. The myriad synchronicities and signs accompanying the purchase, arrival, consecration and adornment of my Deneb Adige talisman has been startling brilliant - from freak hailstorms and enchanting dreams to estatic ritual experiences and deepened relationships to swan families and spirits - I find myself drawn to wearing her talisman often, delighting in dreamy creativity, fierce composure, and shimmering magic it enhances in me. I hope to patron Genie's talent again! - ROWAN RAIN
The Deneb Adige talisman solidified crucial spirit pacts and opened the door to new wonders. - CUNNING NAY
The Antares talisman is a masterwork of art and magic, it is gorgoeous and a powerful guardian. - LIZ FRAZEE